
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Really?! What is a Mom to do?

I thought we were entering a new phase. We'd gone a whole year without any broken bones. I should have known something was coming. It always does.

That is my boy. Noah. He is 19 and enrolled as an Athletic Trainer at Howard College. He loves anything that has a ball in it, but most especially Baseball. Howard has a great team. They are, last I heard, #8 in the country. Go Hawks!

So, Noah now knows with some certainty that having a game of catch to warm up a pitcher, without the aid of a catchers mitt, is a BAD idea. Ya think?!

My sweet husband broke himself last night as well. Although not quite as dramatic as Noah's purple cast and broken wrist, his little toe is cramping his style just a tad. He broke it last night when he walked into a kitchen chair while checking to see if the dogs had water. (I'd a let them drink out of the toilet.)

With luck, I'll be back to my quilty realm tomorrow.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Lynne said...

Hope they both come out the other end better than before!

Sana Saroti said...

Hope they feel better soon!