
Monday, October 8, 2012

Ta-done! & To-do

Yup, I got it done over the weekend.

I even got the label done. Wa-hoo!
And I got a special request to make a baseball themed baby quilt. If it wasn't my son doing the asking I don't know that I would do it....but here is what I am thinking.

It started with this image that I found on pintrest

Oh, did I mention the intended recipient is a wee baby girl......

What ya think?


Carla said...

Brilliant idea. Have fun ; )

Kelsey said...

In love with the Fiesta quilt!! Stunning!!! Love the idea for the baby quilt - so cute :)

Kinga Izabella said...


Canadian Abroad said...

Love your newest finish. I think it may be my favourite of yours so far. And the new idea is pretty awesome too!

carol fun said...

Love the Fiesta quilt -- great design and quilting! And your take on the baseball idea is brilliant! That pic from Pinterst is very cool and I love the minimalism in it and your quilt idea.

Amira@littlemushroomcap said...

Your Vive Le fiesta quilt look amazing! Great Pattern! The one to do is also looking good! Great design!

Lynne said...

Wow! What a great finish!

I love that new design - so fresh and modern!

Benta AtSLIKstitches said...

The finish is fab, a great variety of fabrics and blocks. Are the curved blocks stitched or fussy cut? They look fab, and the HSTs, gosh they are small, I love the fabric combinations, cushions would be great

Fabric Warrior (aka Amie) said...

I love love love this quilt!! : ) You did an amazing job and it looks great.