As I look out my windows I see a lush green neighborhood. If I lived anywhere else it wouldn't phase me a bit. But in August....this is not the norm. This time of year things start to look dead, dried up, brittle, burnt, brown. The kids go back to school because every drop of fun has been squeezed from summer like the last drops of moisture from the lawn. This year seems to be saying, "Not yet."
My oldest heads back to college tomorrow. Today is filled with packing, last minute laundry, and anxt. (Maybe that is just cloudy skies and rain on the windows.)
None the less, I have gotten some quilting in....
I have finished this quilt....but have been waiting for a sunny day to take it's picture. (What was I thinking?)
I quilted it in Deb Geisler's Swirling Crabs....isn't it cute?
This is the back. I think it is just a pretty as the front.
I've also gotten some new equipment "installed". Remember, I told you that I was going to a quilt show? What I didn't tell you is that I took my dh with me. He is such a geek. (I say that with great affection.). He fell in love with the Martelli cutting system. (Yes, he does help me with my quilting projects. He won't use the longarm, although he will do manly mantenance type stuff. But he does cut, and iron for me.)
I have a new cutting mat! Yeah! This one doesn't warp when you put your hot cup of coffee or lap top on it. We are told that you can even iron on it....but I won't be doing that...not even with these lovely irons. (Although they would do wonders towards increasing my cario work out while I am working on quilts.)
He also bought some great cutting tools. This 8.5" square has a sticky side that keeps the fabric from shifting when you cut. My trimmed squares came out looking like they were lazer cut. I do wish the rulers were see through, or had guide lines on the back to help line things us....but even without them they are amazing.
To give dh a chance to play with his toys I got out an old project and had him cut for me. On Saturday and Sunday, while doing laundry, watching the Little League World Series, and doing last minute school shopping, I worked on this.
Sweetwater's Reunion...and my "#Shit Doc Says" pattern. This is the way I envisioned the quilt to begin with. I have to say.....LOVE IT!
Did you notice the design wall?! Another step in the evolution of design walls without walls! One of my brothers is closing down his business....a photography studio...and was selling off his gear. Dh purchased a z-rack and moved my curtan design wall onto it. The result isn't as large as the other was, but it is much easier to use. I think it might also come in handy when taking photographs....drap quilt over rack....roll into spot get the idea.
Aside from all that...I've been contemplating the start of a design sell my quilt designs via PDF files. I love giving things away for free....but I need a bigger challenge....