
Friday, April 15, 2011

What's up with that? Footnote

I couldn't take it...

After boy #3 called to tell me that I had to deliver HIS math homework to school because he didn't know where it was....

I walked through their rooms picking up trash, not emptying trash cans mind you, just picking up garbage.  I got two big bags full. 

Then I scoured the sinks and toilets and opened a few windows.

My corner of the house is no longer tainted by the nasty smells coming from their part of the house. 

I apologise to my customers for not working on your quilts this morning; however, I can assure you that when I take your quilt top out of its safe, air tight, and clean bag on my To-do shelf, it will not be contaminated.

Thank you for indulging me in my rant.  Keep the comments coming.

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