
Sunday, May 5, 2013

Techno-fail Sunday

I woke up to this...

Evidently someone felt compelled to use my charger to charge their phone and left my toy sitting on the kitchen counter.  Let's just say the cats epically failed when they tried to go surfing in the middle of the night.

My sweetheart took me straight to Best Buy after church so he could fix the problem.  Now I have two I-Pads...sort of...if you don't mind glass splinters in your fingers when you use one of them.  I think we will probably get it fixed at some point so we can share the i-Love.

When we returned to my car we noticed a nail in the tire.  Really.  It has been that kind of day.  Went straight to the tire place to get it fixed and had a nice lunch out while we waited.

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5 projects to be made by June
In other news...I was working on my fancy scrappy pillow case a few days ago.  (You read about it in my last post. LOL it photo bomb my picture up above.) My sewing machine kept screeching at me.  Not a good sound under normal circumstances, especially a bad sound when you have 5 quilts to make in the next month.
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I've never had a proper cover before
My husband had some funds leftover from a recent bonus at work and decided to spoil me with it.  (That was before the IPad fiasco.)  Add the bonus to a trade in and some artful bartering and this fella came home with us.
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My new machine
I haven't used it much...I got to use it a little yesterday.  I'll let you know how it goes.

I hope the day is sunny and quiet where you are!!


carol said...

I really hope your week improves! If not, stay in bed all week! lol a bunch of chocolate!

Deb@asimplelifequilts said...

Yeah to the new machine... boo to the rest! My DH backed over his iPhone last summer. It cured a bad habit of leaving it on his lap while driving in the dark (he dropped off a kid he took fishing and didn't hear it fall to the ground when he got out of the car).

Benta AtSLIKstitches said...

oh dear, i dont like the bad stuff but the good stuff looks very very good! enjoy yiur new toy!!!

Lynne said...

Wow! What an eventful couple of days. Enjoy the new machine.

And yes, it is sunny and quiet here at 10am Wednesday!