I know the calender says May 4...but have you looked outside lately? In much of the world the weather is unseasonable.
They had snow in Arkansas this week. Even my home town, which is well past traditional spring and working on early summer, has had days in the 40s. Granted that isn't very cold, but it never really gets cold here. May means snow cones, shorts, and flip flops....not socks and jackets.
It is almost as if we have all been caught in a crazy time warp and landed in October. Which is only fitting as today my newest pattern,
Wobbly Web, is being featured on
Moda Bake Shop.
Wobbly Web features The Boo Crew by Sweetwater for Moda |
My pal Scraps thinks it is about time that we appreciated monsterly things in a sunny season. He loves this quilt....even if it does have some googly eyed spiders on it.
If you have just come from the bake shop then you know that I promised a pattern for the left over layer cake slices. Funny story that.....I just finished making the quilt on Monday....ya, 4 days ago. I haven't had much time to think about what to make out of those extra pieces.
I'm sitting at my computer, munching on candy (at 9:00 am - shh don't tell my mother....or my kids)
They're like a mouth full of rainbows! |
which, oddly enough, is a November kind of thing to do. (What, you never had Halloween candy for breakfast in November?!) and thinking about this dilemma.
I had been contemplating a scrappy pillow case to go with the quilt. The quilt turned out fairly large and would work well on a bed if you didn't need a pillow tuck. A scrappy pillow would be just the thing.
Scraps is really getting into this modeling gig |
However, I'm not going to write a set of directions to make something that there are already a million sets of directions for. I am going to remind you (those that are looking for a pattern for layer cake slices) that if you sew a bunch of slices together....say 15 of them in a 3 x 5 grid...you will have a big piece of scrappy fabric. (If you use 1/4" seams the piece will measure 29 x 48) You can trim that down and use it for the larger piece of fabric in
this pattern...which is what I did.
For added slumber party/pillow fight durability I ironed all seams allowance to one side and top stitched them.
Scraps thinks this is a great place to take a nap. |
Now...that I am just a bit buzzed on sugar....I think it is time for a give away. I have a bunch of layer cake slices left, + a yard of the lovely black texty fabric that I used for the web, + I think you need a bag of Jolly Rancher Bites too.
Scraps loves this package...and wants to remind you that he is NOT a part of the prize. He is a one girl sort of monster. (Lucky me!)
Leave a comment. Tell me about your favorite confection or Halloween memory. I will draw a random winner on May 31 (That would be the closest I can get to Halloween)
Congratulations Fiona! Scraps and I will post your prize directly.