Remember this quilt? It was a quilt along with Clover & Violet. I took this picture in March of 2014. I love the embroidery, and the colors. It is one of my favorite quilts.

I would never have guessed where this pretty quilt would end up.

Look closely....that is my quilt under his feet!!!! Hmm. Not the best out come, but wait, it gets better!
My oldest son, Noah, has fallen head over heals in love with Maggi Jo! He brought her home to visit us last winter. She is adorable, fun loving, and very good for my boy. She makes him "more". I don't know how to explain it, other than to say that when he is with her, he is the man I always imagined he would be.
She liked my quilt. MY QUILT, the pretty girly creation I made just for me in my house full of men. I thought that was nice....but thought to myself, "that was way too much work to give away to just anyone my boy brings home."

My boy is spending the summer with her family on the central coast of California. He is having a fantastic summer. And to make it that much better, he wanted to propose to her in a way that would include all of both of their families. As we are in Texas, it is a little hard to pull off....however, if she would say yes, and I finally got a daughter to share with, she could have the quilt.
I was away on a quilt retreat when he texted to let me know he had picked a day for the big event. Of course, the day was four days from the day he texted me, and I was not home, and it was over a weekend. His daddy came to the rescue. Left work early on Friday so that it might have a chance of getting to him by Monday. $110 later, the quilt was there Saturday afternoon.
My boy planned a complete day for his sweet heart. As she went through her day she spend time with all the people that mean the most to her. She visited with her best friend (the one that introduced them), her mom and sister and brother...the last on her list was her Dad. He delivered her to the venue where she has always dreamed of getting married...that is where my boy had the surprise waiting.

If you look very closely, you can see the ocean on the horizon....and my quilt under the arch.
AND....she said "Yes"!

I have never, ever seen my boy so blissfully happy. I can not wait to make some awesome memories with the two of them.
Congratulations my Noah, and Maggie!! ..... and to her little man....our new little man....

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