Although I did receive this lovely mini in the mail from Mamacjt as part of the latest Little Quilt- Sew, Vote, Swap on Flickr. It is fantastic....way better in person than in this photo. It is a much needed bright spot in my home.
My time has been spent trying to love on my boys...
the human and the fuzzy...
as we process the loss of our sweet Button kitty. My Tookie cat has been stuck to me like a big purring chunk of velcro.
Turns out God knew we would need some extra kitty loving long before we did and arranged for these babies to be born.
Meet in the perfume...not the food group.
She is 11 months old and the daughter of Cashmire Mist and a handsome fellow named Velcro. (This might be an omen.)
Isn't she sweet? Turns out she has a scamp of a baby brother that also needed a forever home. He is 3 months old. That funny little brown nose stole my heart.
They are both from the QT-Tonks Cattery in Groves, TX....5.5 hours south of where I live. Sounds like a good excuse for a road trip doesn't it. There is no way I can pick them up any time soon. It will be at least a couple of weeks before I have enough time to drive down and back. BUT remember how I told you that God had it all planned? Well the owners of QT-Tonks had been planning a road trip to Denver, CO. They left this morning...and are driving right through fact right by one of my favorite quilt shops not 20 minutes from my home. Oh yeah, my God is that good! The kittens are enroute as I type this. My boys don't know and I am just too excited to stand myself.
I was going to wait and share pictures of the babies in my own home....but I am giddy....I cant hardly wait to feel their yummy soft little selves and see the looks on my boys faces when they get home from school.
I don't have words to describe how awed I am feeling. I was given 11 years with the most extraordinary cat I have ever met. Cat is really too tiny a word to explain how large 9 pounds of fur and whiskers can be. Now I sit on the precipice of a new adventure, designed by God just for me and my family....
Your God is good. Enjoy the moment.
God is sooooooo good! Enjoy! Wish I was there to see the look on your boys' faces.
So happy for you! The new kitties are so cute!!
You are blessed! And how wonderful of you to give a home to two sweet kitties!
How serendipitous is that! Wonderful, I wish iwas there to see the boys' faces! Have a lovely weekend
I'm so pleased for you getting to have kitten cuddles, I swear there are very few things better :) Please share lots and lots of photo's!
Oh, Cindy.... I am so sorry for the loss of Button, I know how much you adore your family, two and four legged, so it breaks my heart to know that you are hurting so badly. Big hugs, honey.
Congrats on the new babies and how wonderful that you won't have to drive down south to get them. Good luck with the newbies and just know how much I feel your pain.
(((((Cindy and the whole family)))))
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