What a month it has been. September was so full that it spilled over into October, at least the need for rest did.
Tops to Treasures quilted a record 21 quilts.
9 of those included hand finishing, and only one of them was my own. (That was a birthday pressent for my oldest brother...for his 50th birthday, which he celebrated 6 years ago. Thanks to my Mom for finishing the piecing.)
I also enjoyed a visit from my Johnny! The wonderful stinker told everyone he was coming home for the weekend, except me. He told them and followed it by "But don't tell Mom!" I have to say it was one of a handful of times in my life when I was actually, and joyously surprised by someone. I couldn't resist hugging my boy every few minutes just to make sure that it was really him.
I celebrated my Noah's 22nd birthday this month as well. I have no idea how he got so old, but I am delighted by his friendship. I can't wait to see what the years have in store for him.
And I got to see my quilts, 5 that I can see in the photo, displayed in the Moda Bake Shop booth at the AQS show.
I finished off the month with a well deserved three days off, at a quilting retreat with my Mum, and other quilty friends. Thanks to the fine folks at Sunset Retreats for having us.